Waste Incinerators|Medical Incinerator|Animal Incinerator|Pet Cremation|China Incinerator Manufacturer
Monday, June 29, 2015
The medical waste incinerator
electromagnetic compatibility requirements under EN 61326:1997 or equivalent standard.
Physical: Safety Belts, pulleys, chains, gears and other rotating parts as well as sharp edges, located where persons come in close proximity to them, shall be enclosed or guarded
to protect personnel. High-temperature surfaces and piping located where they could endanger personnel or create a fire hazard shall be covered with insulation
Noise level The noise level at 305 mm from any incinerator component shall not exceed 85 dBA.
Controls and instrumentation: The medical waste incinerator shall include control equipment and instruments, controls for burners and fans, time clocks, reJays, operating switches, indicator lights, gauges, motor starters, fuses, alarms, and circuit elements of the control system, and other controls and instruments necessary for operation of the incinerator.
The operation and regulation of the medical waste incinerator shall be done from a central console. The console shall include a visual graphic (screen) and computer recording to automatically monitor and record dates, time of day, batch number and operating parameters The medical waste incinerator shall include continuous online monitoring for combustion control including temperatures in both chambers, oxygen content, CO, C02, total organic carbon (TOC), moisture, and particulate matter (total dust) in the gaseous emission, measured
at every one minute interval or less
The control system shall include an emergency shut-down switch or button. The system should be protected against the effects of electrical short circuits
The control system shall prevent waste charging, if continuous loading, if the primary and secondary chambers are outsfde of their specified temperature ranges, and in the event of unsafe conditions#including failure of the combustion air fan, ID fan, or recirculation pump; and abnormal conditions at the air pollution control devices
Automatie control circuit systems and manual switches shall be interlocked to prevent hazardous conditions or the discharge of toxic air pollutants above the specified limits. The control system shall be able to use proportional control or other effective control algorithm to maintain the operating conditions specified herein.
Temperature measurement: The medical waste incinerator shall have an indicating recording pyrometer for measuring incinerator temperature with a range at least from O to 1315°C accurate to within ± 1% of range
The medical waste incinerator shall have thermocouples to measure gas temperatures and control burner operation, suitable for temperatures up to 1260°C and accurate to within 0.5% of the operating and indicating temperature range
Display indicators Temperature and other key parameters shall be readable by normal vision from a distance of 1.00m
Other indicator displays: Displays shall be able to indicate: operation in progress, end of cycle or fault conditions
lndicators for time: Error shall not exceed 1% of the indicated time in hours or minutes as applicable Fault condition In the event of a failure that prevents the completion of the process, the
controls shall be able to show a visual indication of failure and an audible alarm
Air pollution control where the medical waste incinerator is equipped with air pollution control devices, including de-dusting equipment and additional pollution reduction equipment, it shall be sufficient to meet the air emission limits specified in these specifications.
The following de-dusting equipment are acceptable: Fabric filters Operating < 260°C High temperature ceramic filters Cyclones
Electrostatic precipitators at 450°C
High performance adsorption unit with activated charcoal
The following additional emission reduction equipment are acceptable: Catalytic oxidation Gas quenching Catalytic oxidation
Catalyst-impregnated fabric filters Wet scrubber with lime solution
Dry scrubber with mixtures of activated carbon, lime, limestone Moving bed and fluidized bed reactors
Fixed bed reactor with activated carbon
Entrained flow or circulating fluidized bed reactor with activated carbon/lime or limestone followed by fabric filters
A ir emission limits: The medical waste incinerator shall be able to meet the follow ing air emission limits*, * *:
Total dust: 10 mg/m3 Carbon monoxide: 50 mg/m3
Gaseous and vaporous organic substances, expressed as total organic carbon: 10 mg/m3 Hydrogen Chloride: 10 mg/m3
Hydrogen fluoride: 1 mg/m3 Sulphur dioxide: 50 mg/m3
Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide: 200 mg/m3
Carbon monoxide: 95% - 150 mg/m3
Total dust: 100% • 30 mg/m3, 97% - 10 mg/m3
Carbon monoxide: 100% - 100 mg/m3
Gaseous and vaporous organic substances, expressed as total organic carbon: 100% ·20 mg/m3, 97 % • 10 mg/m3
Hydrogen chloride: 100% - 60 mg/m3, 97% - 1O mg/m3 Hydrogen fluoride: 100% - 4 mg/m3, 97% -
2 mg/m3
Sulfur dioxide: 100% - 200 mg/m3, 97% • 50 mg/m3
Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide 100% - 400 mg/m3, 97% - 200 mg/m3
Dioxins and furans: 0.1 ng l TE0/Nm3
Cadmium and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Thallium and its compounds : Total 0.05 mg/m3 Mercury and its compounds: 0.05 mg/m3 Antimony and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Arsenic and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Lead and its compounds : Total 0.05 mg/m3 Chromium and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Cobalt and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Copper and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Manganese and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Nickel and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3 Vanadium and its compounds: Total 0.05 mg/m3
Standard conditions defined as T = 273°K, P= 101.3 kPa, 11% 02, dry gas
Third Party Test Results: A copy of test results from stack sampling and analysis of air emissions from an incinerator of the same modal and capacity burning typical medical waste shall be provided and in compliance with EU DIAECTIVE 2000/76/EC. The tests shall be conducted by an independent Third Party duly accredited and certified. The test report shall
include concentrations of 17 congeners of 2,3,7,8-TCOO/F, corresponding detection limits, Toxic Equivalent (TEQ) using 1-TEF as well as TEQ from non-detected congeners and the maximum possible TEQ (estimated maximum possible concentration/upper bound). sampling standard recoveries, extraction standard recoveries, and other quality assurance/quality control information
Stack (chimney). The stack shall have a minimum height of 3.0 meters above ground level
Emergency bypass: The emergency bypass shall remain closed and should not permit the release of gaseous emissions during normal operations. The date, time and duration of the
opening of the emergency bypass during abnormal conditions should be recorded and included in the permanent record
Bottom ash handling: The incinerator should include a wet ash sump with additional means to prevent bottom ash from being released into the workspace
Painting and finishing: The inner surfaces of the outer casing of the incinerator, the exterior surfaces of the outer casing, the control panel, and piping, except corrosion-resistant steel, should be cleaned to the base metal for removal of eil and rust before primer is applied. A weather resistant finish should be placed on all items that will be exposed to the outside
Recording: Recording of operating parameters should be able to be done digital or analog and should include values sufficient to confirm that cycle parameters have been achieved and maintained within the manufacturer's specified tolerances. Printed records should be readable for not less than 2 years
Typical service life 10 years
Spare parts Suitable for one year of operation
Languages of Operating and service manual English and French language
One ( 1) year warranty on parts and service after commissioning and acceptance
WHO, Safe management of wastes from health-care activities, Second edition 2014
* The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 2001
Orignal From: The medical waste incinerator
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Double Combustion Chamber Incinerators
Primary combustion chamber temperature # 850°C with no cold spots
Secondary combustion chamber: Shall be constructed with an exterior casing (reinforced to withstand internal pressures without deflection or damage to the refractory or other components) and provided with refractory lining and insulation
Secondary combustion chamber temperature 1100°C or higher
Secondary combustion chamber residence time # 2 seconds after the last injection of air in the secondary chamber
Primary and secondary burners: Separate electrically spark-ignited primary burners and secondary burners with automatic control shall be used to achieve the specified temperature requirements in the primary and secondary chambers. The flames of the primary and secondary burners shall not impinge on the incinerator walls or floor.
Energy source for burners Diesel fuel eil
Air supply: Air supply in the primary and secondary chamber should be regulated between 30%-80% and 170%- 120% of stoichiometric amount respectively. Suitable flow measurement devices shall be provided on the primary and secondary air ducting. The combustion air shall be supplied through a separate forced draft fan after accounting for the air supplied through burners
lnsulation: lnsulation to be used for masonry, reinforced concrete, or non-combustible material shall prevent damage to the foundation from excessive heat and shall be of a thickness to limit the outer casing to a maximum temperature of 66°C in an ambient temperature of 21°C when the incinerator is operating at full capacity.
Refractory: Refractory shall be #super duty# and heat-resistant to a minimum of 1100°C in the primary chamber and 1250°C in the secondary chamber. Refractory shall also be abrasion resistant in the prlmary chamber, constructed of plastic or castable type refractory, designed to prevent bulging and destruction due to heat stress, capable of supporting more than twice the hourly burning rate and preventing leakage of fluids, and with a minimum thickness of 11O mm for walls and hearths
Orignal From: Double Combustion Chamber Incinerators
Friday, June 26, 2015
Dual-chamber controlled air incinerator
Types of incinerator design acceptable: Dual-chamber controlled air incinerator or dual- chamber pyrolytic incinerator
Waste feed system into the combustion chamber batch or continuous loading: For continuous loading, the automatic charging ram or auger feed system shall be capable of injecting small amounts of waste at frequent intervals and should be able to prevent waste from being fed when the combustion chamber temperature is less than 850°C. In addition, the waste feed should only be able opened at or below 50°C in an ambient temperature of 21°C.
Primary combustion chamber: Shall be constructed with a casing (reinforced to withstand internal pressures without deflection or damage to the refractory or other components) supported by a structural frame and provided with refractory lining and insulation
Access doors, openings, and gaps: All access doors, openings, and gaps shall be sealed to prevent emission of smoke and exhaust gas and to block admission of air during incinerator operations. Doors exposed to flame or direct heat of combustion gases shall be lined with the same type and thickness of refractory lining and insulation as that used in the combustion chamber
Grate system for the primary chamber Moving grate, traveling grate, reciprocating grate, or rotating drum grate
Orignal From: Dual-chamber controlled air incinerator
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Equipment Double chamber medical infectious waste incinerator
Mainly syringes and needles from immunization routine and campaign activities. However, the following average characteristics are considered*:
heating value above 2000 kcal/kg (8370 kJ/kg); content of combustible matter above 60%; content of non combustible solids below 5%; content of non-combustible fines below 20%; moisture content below 30% by weight
Combustion performance: The medica waste incinerator shall be capable of reducing waste to ash not exceeding 10% of the total combustible charges.
Outdoor installation. The medical waste incinerator will be installed outdoors. All incinerator components shall be suitable for but not limited to outdoor shaded installation, including electric motors, be resistent to corrosion, moisture and related weather elements.
Orignal From: Equipment Double chamber medical infectious waste incinerator
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
High quality refractory lining and insulation Large full size incinerator
Heavy-duty steel casing
High quality refractory lining and insulation Large full size top load counterbalanced door
1 x oil/gas fired ignition burners operated on/off
Heavy-duty steel casing
High quality refractory lining and insulation 2 second gas residence time
1 x oil/gas fired ignition burners operated on/off
Heavy-duty stainless steel casing
Control of primary and secondary burners Temperature Monitoring with 4 digit display Thermostat control device for burner (fuel saver) Timer control 0- 12 hours
Integral fan timer control
Operating and maintenance manuals Spares list
?Afterburner Preheat
?Incineration temperatures in excess of 1300°C
?5mm steel casing and fully insulate
?Dense refractory concrete lining rated to 1600°C
Technical Specifications
900kg (1.35m3)
Burn Rate
Avg Ash Residue
Avg Fuel Consumption p/hr
Min. Operating Temperature 950°C
Max. Operating Temperature 1320°C
Residency Time in Secondary Chamber 2 Seconds
Temperature Monitoring YES
The following emission limits are desirable but should in no way be above the EC limit values: -
Sulphur Dioxide 20.7mg per Nm3 Carbon Monoxide 1.6 mg per Nm3 Carbon Dioxide 214.1 g per Nm3 Nitrogen Oxides 241.2mg per Nm3 Solid Substances 3.6 mg per Nm3
Dioxins 0.0 mg per Nm3 (for incinerators with 2 sec, gas retention)
Orignal From: High quality refractory lining and insulation Large full size incinerator
Turbulence, Residence Time and Temperature are inbuilt in the plant design
1 Basic Plant Design An approved plant must have four distinct sections that demonstrate three principles of
Turbulence, Residence Time and Temperature are inbuilt in the plant design .The
regulated sections may include but not limited to:
Overall plant layout. Feed chamber/ charging
Primary Combustion Chamber. Secondary Combustion Chamber. Particulate Scrubbers
Acid Gas Scrubbers The stack/ chimney.
2 Feeding And Charging Controlled hygienic, mechanical or automatic feeding methods have to be used which
will not influence the air temperature in the primary and secondary chambers of the
incinerator negatively.
No waste is to be fed into the incinerator:
1. Until the minimum temperatures have been reached.
2. If the minimum combustion temperatures are not maintained.
3. Whenever the previous charge has not been completely combusted in the case of batch feeding.
4. Until such time as the addition of more waste will not cause the design parameters of the incinerator to be exceeded.
3 Primary Combustion
Chamber The primary combustion chamber must:
1. Be accepted as the primary combustion zone.
2. Be equipped with a burner/s burning gas/fuel or low sulphur liquid fuels.
Other combustion methods will be judged on merits.
3. Ensure primary air supply is controlled efficiently
4. Ensure minimum exit temperature is not less than 850oC
4 Secondary
Combustion Chamber
(Afterburner). The secondary combustion chamber must:
1. Be accepted as secondary combustion zone.
2. Be fitted with secondary burner/s burning gas or low sulphur liquid fuel or any suitable fuel.
3. Ensure secondary air supply is controlled efficiently.
4. Ensure flame contact with all gases is achieved.
5. Ensure residence time is not less than two (2) seconds.
6. Ensure the gas temperature as measured against the inside wall in the secondary chamber & not in the flame zone, is not less than 1100oC.
7. Ensure the oxygen content of the emitted gases is not less than 11%.
8. Ensure both primary and the combustion temperatures are maintained until all waste has been completely combusted
5 Particulate Removers A mechanical particulate collector must be incorporated after secondary combustion
chamber for removal of particulate pollutants entrained in the flue gas stream. The
particulate collectors may include any of the following or a combination thereof:
Cyclone separator Electrostatic precipitators Fabric filters
6 Chimney / Stack 1. The chimney should have a minimum height of 10 meters above ground level
and clear the highest point of the building by not less than 3 meters for all
roofs. The topography and height of adjacent buildings within 50 meters radius should be taken into account.
2. If possible the chimney should be visible to the operator from the feeding area.
3. The addition of dilution air after combustion in order to achieve the
requirement of these guidelines is unacceptable.
4. The minimum exit velocity should be 10 m/s and at least twice the surrounding wind speed (Efflux velocity = wind speed x 2) whichever is higher to ensure no down washing of exiting gases.
5. Point for the measurement of emissions shall be provided.
7 Instrumentation Instrument for determining the inside wall temperature and not burner flame
temperature must be provided for both primary and secondary chambers.
2. An audible and visible alarm must be installed to warn the operator when the secondary temperature drops to below the required temperature.
3. In addition to the above the following instruments may also be required.
A carbon monoxide and/or oxygen meter/recorder A smoke density meter/recorder
A gas flow meter/recorder
A solid particulate meter/recorder
Any other instrument or measurement that may be considered necessary
8 Emission Limits 1. Combustion efficiency:
Combustion efficiency (CE) shall be at least 99.00% The Combustion efficiency is computed as follows;
C.E= % CO 2 x 100
% CO2 + CO
2. The temperature of the primary chamber shall be 800 ± 50o C
3. The secondary chamber gas residence time shall be at least 1 (one) second at 1050 ± 50o C, with 3% Oxygen in the stack gas.
4 Opacity of the smoke must not exceed 20% Viewed from 50 meters with naked eyes
5. All the emission to the air other than steam or water vapour must be odourless
and free from mist, fume and droplets.
6. The Authority may require that the certificate holder have tests carried out by an accredited institution to determine stack and/or ground level concentrations of the following substances.
Cadmium and compounds as Cd Mercury Hg
Thallium Tl
Chromium Cr
Beryllium Be
Arsenic As
Antimony Sb
Barium Ba
Lead Pb
Silver Ag
Cobalt Co
Copper Cu
Manganese Mn
Tin Sn
Vanadium V
Nickel Ni
Hydrochloric HCL
Hydrofluoric acid HF
Sulphur dioxide S02
A 99.99% destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for each principal organic hazardous constituent (POHC) in the waste feed where:
DRE = [(Win - Wout)/Win]*100
Where: Win = mass feed rate of the POHC in the waste stream fed to incinerator, and
Wout = mass emission rate of POHC in the stack prior to the release to the
The average dioxin and furan concentration in the emissions should not exceed 80ng/m3 total dioxins and furans if measured for a period of 6 to 16 hours.
All pollutant concentrations must be expressed at Oo C and 1.013 x 10 5 N/m2,
dry gas and 11% oxygen correction.
Oxygen correction is computed as:
Es = 21 – Os x EM 21 - OM
Where: Es = Calculated emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration
EM = Measured emission concentration
Os = Standard oxygen concentration
OM = measured oxygen concentration
Orignal From: Turbulence, Residence Time and Temperature are inbuilt in the plant design
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Incinerator for general and medical waste from a 50-60 man camp
• Consists of two chambers to ensure significant reduction of emissions and be capable of temperatures in the range of 800-1000˚c.
• Incinerator must be of a low maintenance design, be diesel fuelled and need no more than 15 amp 220-250 V power. KW consumption per hour should be stated
• The incinerator should also be able to run off a generator.
• The incinerator should have option of tank and should use no more than 12L of diesel fuel per hour to burn 25- 30kg of waste
• Design must be such to minimize risk to operators and have a simple start sequence to minimize operator training and skills
• Solid waste reductions in the range of 90 - 97% should be routinely achievedWhat are main differences between medical incinerators: YD-10C and TS10(PLC)?
(2) After combustion, the medical waste becomes smoke? Without smell? No pollution?
(3) What should we do to release the smoke? Prepare a pipe to direct the smoke to factory outside?
(4) Any operation guide for reference, we worry that it's difficult to operate?
(5) YD-10C and TS10(PLC) are the smallest scale incinerator? What are their prices and warranty period?
Orignal From: Incinerator for general and medical waste from a 50-60 man camp
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Continued Feeding Incinerator and Wet Scrubber System
Waste Auto-Feeding →→
Shredder System→→
Primary Combustion Chamber→→
Mix & Secondary Combustion Chamber
Wet Spray Scrubber→→
Wet Dust Scrubber→→
Cyclone Filter & Separator→→
Orignal From: Continued Feeding Incinerator and Wet Scrubber System
Thursday, June 18, 2015
municipal garbage waste dumping site
In our area and vicinity there are few municipal garbage waste dumping site. We are facing lot of difficulty like foul smell, emmissions of toxic gases and CO2 gases. Since we believe in green energy we wish to convert this waste into power.
On this context to convert municipal waste to power we happened to visit a plant in Delhi , India where they are handling and burning the wastes to produce power. We saw the process and came to know that the plant was supplied from China.
Since most of the municipal corporations in India have got various dumping yards it will not be ideal to install a central disposal unit and therefore small plants of this type will be suitable.
municipal garbage waste dumping site
municipal garbage waste dumping site
On this context to convert municipal waste to power we happened to visit a plant in Delhi , India where they are handling and burning the wastes to produce power. We saw the process and came to know that the plant was supplied from China.
Since most of the municipal corporations in India have got various dumping yards it will not be ideal to install a central disposal unit and therefore small plants of this type will be suitable.
Orignal From: municipal garbage waste dumping site
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Incinerator Product Request Form
Item | Customer Request | Example |
Application Scope | Hospital, Pet Crematory, Slaughter House, Laboratories, School, Community, etc. if for animal/pet, indicate animal size like: cat, dog, cattle, etc | |
What kind of waste? | ____, _____% ____, _____% ____, _____% | Medical waste, dead animal, Municipal Waste, etc(detail name) or nature percent if for animal/pet, indicate animal size like: cat, dog, cattle, etc |
Quantity Request | 01.02.03…..unit | |
Budget | $US Dollar. | |
Operating Time | The staff work Hours per day. Our incinerator can work up to around 18 hours per day. | |
Realization Date of project | In ___ year | |
Waste Output Capacity per Day? | 1000kgs Per Day… | |
Request waste burn rate | Capacity: 100kgs Per hour… | |
Request waste feed capacity | Capacity: 100kgs per feed… | |
Whether Natural Gas Supply Local? | Yes or No. | |
Local Power | If 380V and 220V valid? | |
Product Installation Destination | Country or City name | |
Destination Sea port name? | To check sea freight charge. | |
Customer | End-Customer, Agent, Government. | |
Method of contract | Tender or Negotiation | |
Date of Tender limit | ||
How did you know our company? | ||
Other request or information |
Orignal From: Incinerator Product Request Form
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
Incinerator Operation Video
Orignal From: Incinerator Operation Video
Saturday, June 13, 2015
petite échelle incinérateur de déchets médicaux
Nous sommes fabricant et vendeur de matériel médical incinérateur. Notre philosophie est d’améliorer continuellement notre technologie en ligne avec les besoins croissants de l’environnement et nos clients. Tous nos incinérateurs sont construits pour les plus hauts standards de durabilité, de convivialité et de sécurité. La conception des incinérateurs les rendent idéales pour l’exportation en raison de leur simplicité d’installation et les exigences de fonctionnement. Les incinérateurs sont conçus pour produire le plus haut taux de combustion possible de la plus petite quantité de carburant.
petite échelle incinérateur de déchets médicaux
petite échelle incinérateur de déchets médicaux
Orignal From: petite échelle incinérateur de déchets médicaux
Thursday, June 11, 2015
pequeño incinerador de desechos médicos
Somos fabricante y vendedor de equipos médicos de incineración. Nuestra filosofía es mejorar continuamente nuestra tecnología en línea con las crecientes necesidades del medio ambiente y nuestros clientes. Todos nuestros incineradores se construyen con los más altos estándares de durabilidad, facilidad de uso y seguridad. El diseño de los incineradores los hacen ideales para la exportación debido a su sencilla instalación y el requisito de la operación. Los incineradores están diseñados para producir la más alta tasa de combustión es posible desde la más pequeña cantidad de combustible.
Tenemos la capacidad de oferta de 10/15/20/50/100/150/300/500 kilogramos por Equipos horas.El equipo es de tamaño pequeño, de alta eficiencia, proceso razonable, tecnologías de punta y de alto grado inofensivos. Es el equipo ideal de tratamiento de la basura para el hospital, laboratorio, hotel, estación, etc
pequeño incinerador de desechos médicos
pequeño incinerador de desechos médicos
Tenemos la capacidad de oferta de 10/15/20/50/100/150/300/500 kilogramos por Equipos horas.El equipo es de tamaño pequeño, de alta eficiencia, proceso razonable, tecnologías de punta y de alto grado inofensivos. Es el equipo ideal de tratamiento de la basura para el hospital, laboratorio, hotel, estación, etc
Orignal From: pequeño incinerador de desechos médicos
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Сжигания медицинских отходов
[caption id="attachment_881" align="aligncenter" width="546"]
Orignal From: Сжигания медицинских отходов
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
a medical waste treatment scheme in Sudan for medical, pharmaceutical, and hazardous waste
Orignal From: a medical waste treatment scheme in Sudan for medical, pharmaceutical, and hazardous waste
Monday, June 8, 2015
Small Capacity incinerator for small pet and other waste
Orignal From: Small Capacity incinerator for small pet and other waste
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Spare Parts for Incinerator
Main parts: Oil Burner, Gas Burner, Blower Fan,Temperature Thermocouple Probe, Control case.
Orignal From: Spare Parts for Incinerator
Pet Animal Cremation Machine
The farm animal, dead chicken, cow, best way is cremation for environmental protection.
We supply incinerator for pet animal cremation, from small pets dog, cat to big animal like pig, cow.
Orignal From: Pet Animal Cremation Machine
Friday, June 5, 2015
Doubel Combustion Chamber Incinerators
Doubel Combustion Chamber
All Incinerators are Doubel Combustion Chamber with One Fuel Burner Each. After Burner Technology for Completely Combustion and Cleaner World.
High Temperature Incineration
Temperature Range 800 Degree to 1200 Degree in Combustion Chamber. Temperature Thermocouple Monitor and Controller. High Quality Fire Brick and Refactory Cement.
Orignal From: Doubel Combustion Chamber Incinerators
Thursday, June 4, 2015
TS(PLC) Model Medical Incinerator
* All models with Dual combustion chamber.
* Stainless Steel chimney/stack, long lifetime.
* High temperature, long lifetime of incinerator.
* Free or minimum installation on site.
* High burn rate, from 10kgs to 100kgs per hour.
* PLC Control Plane for Intelligent operation.
* New Design for pet animal cremation business.
* One year warranty on incinerator and parts in stock.
Email: sales@clover-incinerator.com
Orignal From: TS(PLC) Model Medical Incinerator
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.
Fax: +86-25-8461 0406
Website: www.clover-incinerator.com
Email: sales@clover-incinerator.com
Orignal From: Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.